Football world cup analysis from 1930 - 2014

Football world cup analysis from 1930 - 2014

Data analysis of FIFA World Cup from 1930 to 2014 Discover interesting insights such as number of goals per country, match outcome by home and away teams , stadium with highest attendance etc...

Tool : Microsoft powerBi

Steps :

  1. Scrap Data

  2. Data cleaning

  3. Data visualization

  • Scrap Data

Screenshot (39).png

Data source here

  • Data cleaning

Screenshot (42).png

notice that the team name were not filled properly so we cleaned them Steps : a. we used Ctrl + A to select all cells

b. Go to "home tab" under the 'transform ribbon" and click "replace values"

Screenshot (45).png

Replace "Germany FR" to "Germany", Replace "China PR" to "China"

c. Duplicate both the "home team name" and "away team name" Then merged them together to create column for matches

Screenshot (49).png Note : There is a space before the separator 'VS' and after it

d. We duplicated the world cup matches table and named them HomeGoals and AwayGoals then we group by

Screenshot (50).png Note : Do the same thing for the AwayGoals table and filter it to away Screenshot (53).png

e. select the HomeGoals and AwayGoals using the Ctrl key then go to the home tab under the combine ribbon and look for "merge queries as new " and name it "TeamGoals"

Screenshot (54).png

Screenshot (55).png Note : click on the column header drop down which shows table table table...and then select both the awayteamname and awaygoals

f. Select both the HomeGoals and AwayGoals using the Ctrl key and sum the column and also rename it to Goals

Screenshot (58).png

  • Data modeling

Screenshot (60).png Note : We connected the years together from the 5 tables

  • Data Visualization

Screenshot (62).png


a. Change the background to black and reduce the transparency to 0%

b. Add a button which connect two dashboards and switch on the action button

Screenshot (63).png

Screenshot (64).png

Screenshot (67).png Note : we have two dashboards "winner" and "outcome"

  • Findings

a. Which country had won the world cup?

Screenshot (65).png Brazil has won more world cup than any team

b. Nigeria national team and total number of goals each year ?

Screenshot (66).png The super Eagles scored 7 goals in 1994 which remains their highest goals in the tournament and only 1 goal in 2002 which is their lowest in the tournament

c. Match with the highest attendance in 1930?

Screenshot (68).png The match was between Uruguay and yusgolavia

d. Final result of the first world cup?

Screenshot (71).png In 1930, The final match was played between Uruguay and Argentina and it ended in favour of Uruguay 4goals to 2